I wouldn't want to do a type of meditation that could be harmful or scary. That poor guy...it must have been terrifying for him.
Surprisingly I think it was therapeutic for him. The place was rented at Palo Alto, Ca. and this guy flew in from Michigan and picked me out to be his sitter, as he said latter he knew he would need some help so he asked me to be his sitter. He told me beforehand that he was a baby delivered by forceps , which didn't really dawn on me what type of reaction he would have, and so the somebody after him with daggers while in a cave was a reliving of such trauma, and by reliving it one gets to put the experience in a better place in the brain/mind and the less it fucks up the rest of your life,,he was clearly charged with emotional pain that needs come out and get reprocessed, ending the suffering the final goal, it is all in the mind